Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma (CoECT)
The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma (COECT) is a collaborative organisation that brings together resources, research, and knowledge from leading experts in the field of child trauma.
The companies operating under this umbrella share a common goal of supporting children and their families who have experienced early life trauma.
The Centre of Excellence in Child Trauma strives to make positive changes within social care, education, parenting and family support to enable every child to overcome adverse experiences and flourish in life.

Have you read our TIPs magazine yet?
The COECT magazine launched in January 2023 and provides parents and professionals with a trauma-informed approach to parenting. This is an effective way of parenting all children and is especially significant for parents who are caring for children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences or children who are neurodivergent.
Next issue out 20th May 2025
CoECT News
We are excited to announce that Sarah Naish will be speaking at Australia's Foster and Kinship Care National Conference in Sydney, Australia in November this year. Sarah will be speaking in Australia for the first time, sharing her expertise on supporting children affected by trauma.
You can find more information about the conference and My Forever Family NSW by following the link 2025 National Foster & Kinship Care Conference: Empowering Carers to Transform Lives